So the biggest slam I see on the airy fairy folk is that of sending good vibes, or prayers and so on. So let's break that down into the science behind frequency, and vibration, how it is possible to manipulate it, and then the airy fairy stuff that ties into it.
For ease of writing I have included a list of links at the bottom of the page to the websites I got the science bit from. Disclaimer: I am not, and will never pretend to be a scientist. I have muddled through the big words (with a dictionary) so if there is a misunderstanding it is mine and mine alone.
So first the science bit in a nutshell: Frequency
Various studies over the years has confirmed that the human body does have a resonance frequency, and that it is possible for resonance frequencies outside the body to affect it. Our brain, skin, heart and other organs have different frequencies they resonate at (reference points 3 and 4 below).
The Semantics Scholar (reference 1 below) reported that both mental and physical injury was reported in his experiments where he subjected (mostly animals) to various frequencies.
The National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce (reference 2 below) stated that the higher the frequency people were subjected to resulted in a proportionately higher damage to the body.
Our computers, lights, all electronics and many objects give off a resonance frequency, which we are then subjected to all day every day in the office, at home, and even out and about (reference points 5, 6 and 7).
Our planet has a frequency measured on the Schumann Resonance which can be found at Geocenter (reference point 8). The Schumann Resonance is nicely described by NASA (reference point 9).
Then the thoughts our brain produces creates various resonance frequencies depending on what we are using our mind for (gonna just start putting the numbers here from now - 10). This information has been used by sleep clinics and others to create music at various frequencies to stimulate better sleep, better memory retention and more. You can google that one yourself.
So to conclude our bodies have a resonance frequency, and everything around us has a resonance frequency, and our bodies are affected by the resonance frequency of everything around us. And what has been found to work (by myself and others) is using external frequencies (like music) to affect how our mind and body works (you can go to YouTube and find hundreds of thousands of video's to prove this, or even just think about how your favourite song can make you feel better).
We learnt in school that everything is made up of atoms (14) and that these atoms are constantly moving (vibrating). These atoms in solid state are so attracted to each other, that even though they are constantly vibrating they don't go anywhere. We also got to do an experiment in high school (and is described better in the same reference point) where we heated a small metal ball, and then found it got bigger and couldn't go through a small hoop. Then when we cooled that same ball, it would fit in the loop, and when the ball got cold there was room to spare. Which is proof that the atoms were affected by outside influences, heat and cold, which caused the atoms in the metal ball to move further apart and closer together respectively.
All atoms have energy. This energy is what causes all molecules to vibrate even in a solid state (15,16,17). Magnetic fields have been seen to affect sound and heat waves, which engineers can then use to control heat and sound (18). We can see many video's on YouTube where sound is used to make pretty patterns in water and sand showing us the vibrations and frequency of the sound, and proving that sound waves can cause movement in other particles.
Crystals (like the ones the hippies wear as jewelry and use to hippie up their houses) are being studied in various places as a better way to provide energy to technological devices as an energy efficient internal battery (19). Converting the energy found in the molecules of the crystal into energy to power a device. Maybe them hippies are onto something with these crystals. You can even make your own battery using quartz crystal or a diamond (20) by your very self.
Prayer, mediation and other airy fairy wish wash has started to get researchers interested in scientific study. Although not many yet. Meditation has been found to increase frequency internally and externally. There are even studies that have shown meditation to stimulate the immune system (which then helps with combating illness) (11, 12, 13).
So to take a bit of an airy fairy leap here considering that science is starting to measure resonance frequency from our brain and body; we have known for a long time that everything vibrates and can be affected by external factors. We know that matter can be affected at an atomic level by outside influence.
Perhaps it's not all that unreasonable to send prayers, good vibes and the likes to people who need it. Maybe science will be able to measure the effect of using our minds to manipulate the frequencies around us.
Or maybe it takes a little faith.
Bibliography (and not one Woolfe among them)
5. (I know Wiki gets a sigh, but sometimes they have it right)
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