Monday, 25 February 2019

The Champagne Bottle Effect

The world is filled with over emotional people. Look at how, for want of a better word, "mainstream" anxiety and depression is currently. All from being taught from child hood to suppress and repress. 

While today's children are being raised more holistically to manage rather than suppress their emotions, most of us were taught that there is no space for negative feelings. To hide our tears and fears. To suck it up and move on.

Then when we reach critical breaking point, like a champagne bottle that is shaken continuously, we explode.

Look at the world exploding with anger and violence. Look at the amount of people on some sort of anxiety or depression or other type of mental health medication.

If we look at a toddler who has a tantrum, in effect that toddler is having an emotional breakdown. We punish this "bad behavior" teaching the toddler that emotional outbursts are wrong, and sometimes embarrassing. Especially when we're in public.

Jump forward a few decades and we find adults who are struggling to heal their inner hurt, or even to acknowledge that the hurt is there.

How do we fix this? The answer is simple and super airy fairy... Love. 

Just as a toddler will respond to love while they struggle to learn how to manage their emotions, we need to find ways to lovingly search out our inner hurts, and guide ourselves through the pain. 

We need to find ways to allow for emotional beings to no longer feel embarrassed or scared to admit to what they're feeling.

Sounds really simple doesn't it? In reality it's not quite as simple as that seems. We need tons of patience to unearth the years of suppression coping methods, to gently ease into a comfortable space that will encourage the openness to reveal the hurt, and pour love onto that pain so healing may begin.

Most airy fairy sorts spend years in meditation and other disciplines to delve into their inner selves to work on themselves from the inside out.

Some people aren't even aware of how much they have repressed. 

Some might be too scared to start the journey to self development because the task seems insurmountable.

So as we come to the end of the month of love, let's think about how we can open our hearts to ourselves, and heal from within.

At the very least, let's work on the next generation and teach proper coping mechanisms for dealing with emotions, and break the suppression cycle.

May harmony find you!

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